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Klinische studies


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Op deze pagina vindt u relevante studies van Bramitob.

  • Chuchalin, A., CsiszĂ©r, E., Gyurkovics, K., Bartnicka, M. T., Sands, D., Kapranov, N., ... & Mazurek, H. (2007). A formulation of aerosolized tobramycin (Bramitob) in the treatment of patients with cystic fibrosis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection.Pediatric Drugs,9(1), 21-31. Klik hier voor de studie.
  • Chuchalin, A., Amelina, E., & Bianco, F. (2009). Tobramycin for inhalation in cystic fibrosis: Beyond respiratory improvements.Pulmonary pharmacology & therapeutics,22(6), 526-532. Klik hier voor de studie.

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